
Each month we will be posting a
monthly calendar of events happening
at our sites. Just click the link below
to download the calendar.

Clarenville (Hub Site)

Southwest Arm

Swift Current

Come By Chance

Arnold's Cove

Random Island

Contact Us

Your name

Your e-mail

Your name

Your e-mail

Our Locations - Swift Current


Each month we will be posting a monthly calendar of events happening at the Swift Current Site. Just click the link below to download the calendar. Then print it and post it somewhere in your house so you will know whats happening.

Click here to Download Current Calendar (PDF)

(Click Here to Download Adobe PDF Reader)


We offer age-appropriate, play-based programming for children 6 and under which promotes child development and enhanced family relationships and interaction.

Our programs often change to nurture the growth of children enjoying our site. We welcome suggestions from parents/caregivers so that we may continue to meet the needs of the community.

In addition, we have a lending library and a book bag program where parents may sign out appropriate toys/activities for their child to take home with them. Ask your facilitator about this.

We also offer parent programming at the hub site, based on topics of which parents wish to have more knowledge, and available to all. We also have a variety of materials/resources which parents may borrow.


Pentecostal Church Basement, Swift Current

Mailing Address:
86 Manitoba Drive, Suite 101
Clarenville, NL A5A 1K7

Phone: (709) -542-3236
Fax: (709) 466-2766